Make Your Financial Puzzle a Retirement Masterpiece
We create holistic strategies that fit your unique situation, helping you form the retirement you always envisioned.
Today’s retirement is different.
It’s not the final chapter in the book of life but rather the beginning ... a second act. Join us at one of our seminars to see how we can help you with your retirement plan.
Get started in 3 easy steps:
Schedule a meeting to sit down with us and discover what your ideal retirement looks like.
Using the Franklin Retirement Solutions plan, we’ll examine your current financial situation and determine your retirement needs.
Receive a custom strategy to help you reach your unique retirement goals.

Preparing for retirement? Don’t skip these 10 things!
This 4-page guide will walk you through some of the most important things to consider as you prepare your strategy for retirement.
What it means to “spend less than you earn”
Why you should plan to live a long life
Where to turn for financial guidance

Solving the Retirement Puzzle with 4 Easy Pieces
What you will learn from this book:
- The potential minefields of retirement
- Income planning, tax planning, risk exposure and risk comfort level
- And much more...
Sign up for The Franklin Friday Report Newsletter
Each week — Friday at precisely 10 a.m., to be exact — we publish a newsletter for our clients and friends containing relevant financial and economic insight, discussions of new financial strategies, and personal thoughts from Franklin Retirement Solutions' president & co-founder, Peter Wechsler. The delivery time may be the same every week, but the content isn’t — there will always be something new and interesting to read each week.
Don’t miss Peter Wechsler’s insights. Simply fill out the form to receive Franklin Retirement Solutions’ weekly letter.