Get started in 3 easy steps:
According to the latest actuarial estimates, many of us will be living into our late 90s or early 100s. That is a LONG retirement. It is now possible that some of us will be in retirement for more years than we spent working! Many retirees and near-retirees are facing the worrisome possibility that they will run out of money before their retirement is over.
In “Solving The Retirement Puzzle With 4 Easy Pieces,” Peter Wechsler — president & co-founder of Franklin Retirement Solutions — and Jeremy A. Wechsler — principal attorney of The Law Offices of Jeremy A. Wechsler, Esq. and Your Estate & Elder Planning Attorney™ — lead you through the potential minefields of retirement and estate planning. Peter and Jeremy reveal their four-step discovery review process. Peter covers income planning, tax planning and risk exposure, and risk comfort level, and Jeremy covers the intricacies of managing estate and legacy planning.
You worked hard to build up your nest egg, saving and scrimping to ensure you could retire comfortably. Now that it’s time to retire, you must protect and preserve that nest egg while also leveraging your retirement funds for your future and the future of your children and family. In “Solving The Retirement Puzzle With 4 Easy Pieces,” Peter and Jeremy offer the insights, tools and techniques that are allowing hundreds of people across Bucks, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties to retire with confidence.
About the Authors
Peter Wechsler is an Investment Adviser Representative and co-founder and president of Franklin Retirement Solutions, a boutique retirement financial planning firm in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania.
Jeremy A. Wechsler, Esq., is a dedicated estate planning attorney and principal attorney of The Law Offices of Jeremy A. Wechsler, Esq., in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania.

Peter Wechsler
Franklin Retirement Solutions

Jeremy A. Wechsler, Esq.

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