Celebrating Rosh Hashanah… Kinda

As we enter 5781 on the Hebrew calendar, we reflect on the crazy year that it’s been. Tonight begins Rosh Hashanah where we usher in the new year for Jews around the world.

For those who have been reading this weekly missive know that, for many years, I held open house on Rosh Hashanah. Usually the second night. Usually we had 50 to 60 friends and family attend, although one year we actually had 80 guests. That was a trip!

Needless to say, this year there will be no big celebration to usher in the new year. COVID has changed everything. I probably spoke with a dozen clients in the past week who asked me if I was doing my annual open house. None were surprised when I said not this year.

With a little bit of luck, perhaps by Easter and Passover in the spring, we can all begin to do the big family gatherings again. Time will tell. In the meantime, wear those masks when out in public and, if you do go to a restaurant, make sure there’s plenty of separation between you and the parties near you.

For those celebrating Rosh Hashanah, wishing you a L’shanah tovah, a good and sweet new year.


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